

  1. Install KiLoader

    Go to the Nexus page (linked above) and install it with your mod manager.

    Download the archive from the linked Nexus page and copy its content into your Skyrim folder.

  2. Install ENB Extender

    Go to the Nexus page (linked above) and install it with your mod manager.

    Download the archive from the linked Nexus page and copy its content into your Skyrim folder.

    Install a weather mod of your choice.
    See Universal Limitations for further considerations

  3. Install Particle Patch for ENB

    Go to the Nexus page (linked above) and install it with your mod manager.
    Make sure to read its modpage for additional information on what the mod does and what you should look out for.

  4. Download and install the latest ENB binaries


    • Go to the Skyrim SE ENB site (linked above).
    • Once you’re on there, scroll down until you reach the version list. Click on the top-most one which should be the newest.
    • Scroll down until you reach the download button and click it (has a black pixelated arrow facing downwards).

    Copy the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll inside of the downloaded archive into your Skyrim folder (they need to be right next to your SkyrimSE.exe).
    NOTE: Do NOT copy any of the other files!

    Download Silent Horizons 2 Universal Dawn or Universal Core.

    Copy everything from the downloaded archive into your Skyrim folder. enbseries.ini, enblocal.ini and the enbseries folder should be right next to your SkyrimSE.exe once you’re done.


Other mods

These mods aren’t required for SH2 to work but still highly recommended

  • AELAS: SH2 was designed for the improved skies and exterior lighting that this mod provides

Universal Limitations

While the Universal preset is able to adapt itself to most weather mods, some will work better than others. This is only natural considering Skyrims weather system is heavily artist driven instead of physically based. Weather mods utilize this freedom in a lot of different ways, making it basically impossible for the Universal presets to fit perfectly.

This means the Universal presets had to make some baseline assumptions as to how weathers have been designed in order to support SH2s upgraded rendering pipeline.

If you’re unsure which one to choose, start with one of the following ones that have been tested: